Printable Applications
Each link below is a PDF for the application of the course you wish to enroll in. Once you click on the link, you will have the option to print the application out, fill in your information and either mail or fax to us. There is a space to provide payment information; whether paying by check, money order or credit card. If you prefer to pay securely online, please visit our Products page to choose your program and make your payment.
**Please note, beginning March 2024, the cost of the Equine On-Site program will be $1495 and the cost of the Equine and Canine Home Study programs will be $995**
Each link below is a PDF for the application of the course you wish to enroll in. Once you click on the link, you will have the option to print the application out, fill in your information and either mail or fax to us. There is a space to provide payment information; whether paying by check, money order or credit card. If you prefer to pay securely online, please visit our Products page to choose your program and make your payment.
**Please note, beginning March 2024, the cost of the Equine On-Site program will be $1495 and the cost of the Equine and Canine Home Study programs will be $995**
Equine On Site Application.pdf |
Dual On-Site Application.pdf |
Equine Home Study Application.pdf |
Canine Home Study Application.pdf |
Dual Home Study Application.pdf |