Listed below are some of the testimonials we have received from our Equine Massage students, who have participated in our home study certification program. One of the most frequently asked questions is: 'can I really learn this and make a difference?' The answer is a resounding yes. The posts below are proof of that. We wanted to start off with a message from Mary Schreiber at the beginning of our eighteenth year of teaching. We began teaching in 1991. So much has changed, but yet so much remains the same.
Thoughts On Our 31st year
As we approach our 31st year of teaching, so many thoughts come to mind. Little did I think that day in New Hope, Pa. that massaging horses and establishing a certificate program would have such a profound effect on my life and on those who have attended the class. The words of gratitude that have been expressed, not only on behalf of horses, dogs and their owners, but from students themselves. When someone calls or writes ten or more years later or even a few days later, saying the experience was life changing, I feel blessed beyond belief. I knew this would be a mission of sorts but had no idea of the magnitude of what has been accomplished by so many. We began the program in a recession and made it work. My husband, Dee, and I never questioned the possibilities. When our son, Eric died in a Marine Corps training accident, we still had to keep going so maybe that recession (poverty) was a constant reminder of perseverance under the most difficult of circumstances. Please stay strong and win the race even if it is "by a nose". Hold fast to your dreams, keep in touch, and for those of you who are considering animal massage as a career, just do it.
Thank You!
Thank you all so much for creating a program that is so informative and easy to follow. I am so excited to pursue a career as an ESMT thanks to Equissage!
-Ashley Jones
Excited to Begin!
I am so excited I have decided to go on this journey and add this modality to my equine business!
-Jenny P.
Tears of Joy
Literally crying tears of joy! Thank you for giving me something that I love so much in a time when I needed it the most!! God Bless you all!
-Shanda M.
First Success Story
I am so excited to know I passed my final exam!! Just last night, my friend called to tell me her niece's horse was lame. I went to massage him and by the time I was done, he was much better and by this morning he was sound! It's truly amazing how well this works!!
-Morgan L.
Horses in France Benefitting from Equissage
Just a little word to thank you a lot for the course, the certificate I received today, and more, for your kind words that give me a lot more confidence.
Many thanks for everything.
I am really proud and grateful to be able to use the Equissage massage techniques on our French horses.
-Geraldine P
Many Thanks
Thank you so very much, this is a wonderful program! It has absolutely prepared me to use Sports Massage with my horse for years to come. And I feel like am am a much better horse owner just by studying and absorbing all of this critical information about the horse. I love this whole experience! Nice job creating this home study nailed it! I absolutely feel ready to call myself an Equine Sports Massage practitioner in completion of the work I have done with Equissage.
-Sandy H.
Helping to Overcome Fear from Abuse Triggers
I massaged a 12 year old mare who had an abusive past. Her owner, who rescued her, was never able to use clippers near the horse's muzzle or ears. After I massaged her, her owner brought out the clippers to see if the massage helped her be more calm. For the first time, this sweet mare allowed her owner to clip her muzzle and ears. It brought tears to both of our eyes. The mare has also been able to handle having her ears touched now. Her owner has been able to halter and bridle her without the mare shying away.
-Vicky K.
Easing Anxiety
My sister's foster horse was showing signs of anxiety after a new foster horse joined the family. After several massage sessions, seasoned with gentle conversation, the mare began to relax and integrate with others. The old saying, 'when you feel well, you do well' came to fruition with this sweet mare.
-Laura H.
Veterinarians Are Seeing the Benefits
I had mentioned to my personal Vet that I was thinking of being certified in Equine Massage Therapy through your home study program. I wanted to get a feel for her reaction and she seemed open to it. I saw her a few months later at an event and she approached me asking if I had gotten started. At this point I was in the middle of the program and practicing techniques. She called me the following Monday saying she just treated a mare for colic and the owner wanted me to follow up with massage the next day.
-Diana C.
Sudden Problem, Immediate Relief
My friend has a horse, who out of the blue, began having problems under saddle. As a trainer, she asked me to get on him. I noticed he seemed to have the most trouble going left, more so thank going right. When I asked him to go left, he would threaten to buck. I got off shortly after that and began to massage him. I found many sore spots in his left shoulder. As I was massaging him, I could see immediate relief on his face. Massage has helped relieve his pain and put him back to being the reliable and responsive horse we know him to be.
-Renee S.
Easy Stride
My client has a 6 year old miniature horse who was in training to be ridden and driven. Before the massage, he was very tense and had a choppy stride. After just the first massage, he loosed up and had a lengthened and fluid stride. Another client of mine had me massage a 21 year old Quarter Horse. The horse was used for very light riding. He was very stiff and uncomfortable at all gaits. He refused his left lead most of the time. After one massage, he was no longer stiff. After three massages, he was taking his left lead! I also worked on a 2 year old Quarter Horse, who was in training. He would not easily go into a lope and would not continue loping without constant nagging. After his second massage, he is more willing to move into a lope and stay at the lope until asked to slow down. I'm so very glad to see the improvements the horses have made!
-Ashley S.
Life Became Good Again
I was able to meet a beautiful, 30 year old gelding while visiting a friend. The gelding was showing signs of stiffness and pain. My friend knew I was learning equine massage and had me work on him. I had the pleasure of giving him two massage sessions, after which he seemed to feel that life was good again. He began walking with an easier gait and had an increased appetite.
-Laura H.
Muscle Atrophy Help
My client's horse is an 18 year old Quarter Horse/Thoroughbred gelding who broke his hip two years ago. Since then, he suffered from severe muscle atrophy. Due to the atrophy, he would not put any weight on his left leg. He walked with a two beat and hop. It was obvious that to get him going again, I needed to help him get his atrophied muscle activated. I did more frequent, but less vigorous massages. I started with twice a week and the sessions are only 20-30 minutes long. After only 3 massages, I got this message from his owner: "So I am literally in tears watching my boy walk in the pasture this evening. You are truly heaven sent.' Nothing in the world could mean more to me than this right here.
-Mandy W.