Listed below are some of the countless testimonials from our Canine Massage students that we have received over the years. We began teaching in 1991. The Canine program began in 2001. We wanted to start off with a message from Mary Schreiber at the beginning of our eighteenth year of teaching. So much has changed, but yet so much remains the same.
Thoughts on our 31st Year
As we approach our31st year of teaching, so many thoughts come to mind. Little did I think that day in New Hope, Pa. (where my first massage client was a beautiful German Shepard named Lola!) that massaging horses and establishing a certificate program would have such a profound effect on my life and on those who have attended the class. The words of gratitude that have been expressed, not only on behalf of horses, dogs and their owners, but from students themselves. When someone calls or writes ten or more years later or even a few days later, saying the experience was life changing, I feel blessed beyond belief. I knew this would be a mission of sorts but had no idea of the magnitude of what has been accomplished by so many. We began the program in a recession and made it work. My husband, Dee, and I never questioned the possibilities. When our son, Eric died in a Marine Corps training accident, we still had to keep going so maybe that recession (poverty) was a constant reminder of perseverance under the most difficult of circumstances. Please stay strong and win the race even if it is "by a nose". Hold fast to your dreams, keep in touch, and for those of you who are considering animal massage as a career, just do it.
Thank You!
Thank you so much for the wonderful content you provided in this course. I found it very insightful. It also provided me with an amazing opportunity to increase the bond with my dog, other dogs and to contribute to my dream of working with dogs.
-Sarah K.
A Soldier's Dog Gets A Massage
Dear Mary, I just completed the Canine Massage Certification program. I have only had my certificate for 2 days and already had a once in a lifetime experience! I sent my press release to a paper yesterday and within 10 minutes I received a call. This was not just any call! The paper had just run a story about a male dog who was rescued by the 101st Airborne Division in Kabul, Afghanistan. Before the troops returned to the United States, they were told they could not keep the dog any longer. An international rescue league helped to coordinate a canine transport here and he ended up coming to the home of one of the soldier's mother in a nearby city. The dog was having some adjustment problems (fears hallways, doorways, etc.). The reporter asked me if I thought I could help him. What an opportunity! At 9:30 this morning, the sweet boy was carried into my office (he was too scared to walk in). By 11:00 he was sleeping on a ball that he had picked out of my "goodie box". IT WAS AMAZING!!!! His owner said he slept calmly the whole ride home (he cried and yelped the whole ride over due to his fear of the car). I can not express the elation I feel at the moment. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.
-Amanda H.
A Canine Officer's First Massage
I just had a wonderful meeting with canine officers and their handlers. Before the meeting, I had referred the lieutenant in charge to your website. He was most impressed and very on-board with the whole idea of canine massage. I met with the lieutenant and a sergeant. The sergeant was very skeptical and kept reiterating that these are not pets and that they can be very unpredictable. Also, he was "old school" and thought the other handlers would not be open to massage. However, he wanted to see what massage could do. A dog was brought in and I was warned that he was very unruly and the majority of officers agreed massage wouldn't work. The dog was indeed very unruly. Every time the sergeant would take a couple of steps towards the dog, it tried to go after him. "You see, this is what I'm talking about." I told him that I totally understood what he was talking about, but went about my business anyway. In less than 5 minutes, the dog was lying down on the floor completely relaxed. No one could believe it, especially his handler. The sergeant moved toward the dog to see what he would do. The dog jumped up, trying to get him. As soon as the sergeant backed away and I started working on him again, he laid right back down. Personally I wasn't at all surprised, but was amazed that the dog could still relax with spectators. Before I left, the lieutenant said that he would put words in the right ears. It might be awhile, but he would get back to me and gave me his business card. I am beyond excited and I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for the support - this is very exciting!!!
-Valerie L.
First Massage
Hi Mary, Hope all is going well with you. I came home and massaged my Bassett I got from the puppy mill that very night and she is walking great and is acting 10 times better then she was.
Thank you!
-Tina A.
Canine Home Study Program
I really appreciate your advice and time to get back to me. I have several more dogs scheduled to practice on, and then I will get my video tape prepared and request my final exam. I'm looking forward to it!!! I knew I would enjoy this, but I had no idea how much . Your well planned course and your accessibility is allowing me to learn and be productive in alternative and complementary health care for dogs... something I have always wanted to do.
Thanks again!
-Jo B.
Canine Program Success
Hi, Thank you so much!! I also want to say that your dog program is great, I have learned a lot from it and I think my dogs are 100% healthier since I started massaging them on a routine basis. I do competitive agility and I have always stretched and done a little massage but after learning what I really need to do and how to apply it other people are asking me to massage their dogs because mine are hardly ever sore. So me and my dogs thank you!
-Anna K.
The Benefits Never Cease to Amaze
Our sheltie is 7 1/2 years old. Last year she developed a limp for no known reason. 4 trips to the vet, 2 sets of x-rays, and many "home remedies" later she was still limping. No one could tell us why though, and our poor baby girl was in pain for almost a year now! Finally, after much internet research, I contacted Equissage to enroll in their canine massage therapy certification program. At the very least I figured I would be able to relieve some of her pain. I've studied quite a bit in my life, but I've never studied this hard. I wanted to get it right from the start. The first day I started doing the massage sequence on her, she loved it. She let me know when something needed treated, and she relaxed when I treated it. She got up from her massage and walked away from me without a limp! She hasn't limped since that day. Imagine our relief after a year of worry. To see her back to normal is such a beautiful thing, and to know that I was the one who helped her brings happy tears to my eyes. I hope everyone can experience this program as I have. Since learning the massage techniques from Equissage I've also treated a friends cat and dog with great success as well. Thank you!
-Karen H.
What A Blessing
Hi Mary! My heart is so full tonight. I did a massage on a little male beagle mix. He was a stray who lived at the animal shelter for several years. Somehow he evaded the executioner even though he apparently bit everyone who worked at the shelter. The sweet pup had surgery 3 weeks ago for an intestinal block and lost use of his hind legs. Reason unknown, maybe stroke or nerve damage. His hind legs were crossing and he had to hop and drag them. Tonight was his 3rd massage this week. He met me at the door. WALKING- not dragging or hopping. His owner said that he has been going out the dog door on his own and yesterday he started to bark again. He hasn't done that since before the surgery. You know, they were discussing amputating the leg that was crossing or even euthanasia. It almost doesn't seem possible that I'm being blessed this way, to feel this useful and to help these creatures! And to be touched so deeply by them. I'm typing this with tears in my eyes. What a night! I should have played the lottery! Talk with you soon.....and thanks again for sharing your gifts!
-Brenda B.
Side-effects From a Stroke
I did a massage on a sweet female, who is partly paralyzed due to a stroke that she suffered. I had to write and tell you about the difference that two massages made for her! When I arrived to give her a second massage, I noticed right away how bright and big her green eyes were and what a difference it was from the day before. I couldn't get over the difference in her entire presence. When I did the chin lift part of the massage, she stretched out with a big sigh. The right side-the side with paralysis-has improved so much. As I worked her point of hip, she stretched out her little hind leg and held it for several seconds- the side with paralysis! She still is carrying her head to the left a bit, but I'm hopeful. We have a standing appointment each week. The dog's owner, told me that on the first Sunday after the stroke and before her first massage, her little boy stood in church and asked the congregation to pray for his sweet pet. This week she told me that it has become a prayer of thanksgiving. The thanks they heap on me, I send right along to you. Take care.
-Barbara J.
What a Comeback!
A friend of mine who breeds Yorkshire Terriers approached me about a dog she had sold as a 6 month old puppy (he was very tiny), and was returned to her at a year and a half old. The owners couldn't stand the fact that he (the dog) had developed this habit of self-mutilation, also he was always greasy and stinky and was wound up like a top. My friend asked me what I could recommend, I told her to send him to me, just to call me when she had put him on the plane. Two and a half months had passed and I still hadn't heard from her, so I contacted her. She was planning to euthanize him :(. I told her I would be there to pick him up the next day. My friend had put thousands of dollars into the healing of this dog, traditional, alternative and holistic veterinary care & methods, and he had not improved. The vet had muscle testing done on the dog, and it was discovered he was allergic to bone meal and this problem was emotionally based.
I brought him home with me and I allowed him a week of getting used to his new environment. After that week I massaged him. The pain threshold of this four and a quarter pound dog is amazing. His body reflected many tears and scar tissue, (I have had a vet helping me detect these things accurately in the past) I can't begin to think what this tiny little guy has been trough. He has been with us for a month now. Since his initial massage he has chewed himself 2 to 3 times and only a tiny patch, never the same spot. He never played with toys, now he is the toy playing king! The other Yorkie people in our area who are familiar with "Joey" cannot believe the difference. He gets greasy now about 2 weeks after his bath, so he is bathed every 2 weeks, and he is no longer stinky. His coat is growing, he is happy and he is truly a changed little guy. Joey is an Equissage poster boy for sure, to us :+) He is no longer a rescue either, he is home, and will not be leaving us under any circumstances. I have many equine clients, but recently the canine contingent has increased tenfold. I had the pleasure of doing a Toy Manchester and a Cavalier for some breeder- judge friends of mine and now the word is spreading like wildfire, The recent success rate has been amazing, ligament tears, so called "pinched nerves" etc. the results have spoken for themselves, dogs that were retired from competition are now back at work. All of this and more is because of your program, Mary.
-Kristen T.
Thoughts on our 31st Year
As we approach our31st year of teaching, so many thoughts come to mind. Little did I think that day in New Hope, Pa. (where my first massage client was a beautiful German Shepard named Lola!) that massaging horses and establishing a certificate program would have such a profound effect on my life and on those who have attended the class. The words of gratitude that have been expressed, not only on behalf of horses, dogs and their owners, but from students themselves. When someone calls or writes ten or more years later or even a few days later, saying the experience was life changing, I feel blessed beyond belief. I knew this would be a mission of sorts but had no idea of the magnitude of what has been accomplished by so many. We began the program in a recession and made it work. My husband, Dee, and I never questioned the possibilities. When our son, Eric died in a Marine Corps training accident, we still had to keep going so maybe that recession (poverty) was a constant reminder of perseverance under the most difficult of circumstances. Please stay strong and win the race even if it is "by a nose". Hold fast to your dreams, keep in touch, and for those of you who are considering animal massage as a career, just do it.
Thank You!
Thank you so much for the wonderful content you provided in this course. I found it very insightful. It also provided me with an amazing opportunity to increase the bond with my dog, other dogs and to contribute to my dream of working with dogs.
-Sarah K.
A Soldier's Dog Gets A Massage
Dear Mary, I just completed the Canine Massage Certification program. I have only had my certificate for 2 days and already had a once in a lifetime experience! I sent my press release to a paper yesterday and within 10 minutes I received a call. This was not just any call! The paper had just run a story about a male dog who was rescued by the 101st Airborne Division in Kabul, Afghanistan. Before the troops returned to the United States, they were told they could not keep the dog any longer. An international rescue league helped to coordinate a canine transport here and he ended up coming to the home of one of the soldier's mother in a nearby city. The dog was having some adjustment problems (fears hallways, doorways, etc.). The reporter asked me if I thought I could help him. What an opportunity! At 9:30 this morning, the sweet boy was carried into my office (he was too scared to walk in). By 11:00 he was sleeping on a ball that he had picked out of my "goodie box". IT WAS AMAZING!!!! His owner said he slept calmly the whole ride home (he cried and yelped the whole ride over due to his fear of the car). I can not express the elation I feel at the moment. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.
-Amanda H.
A Canine Officer's First Massage
I just had a wonderful meeting with canine officers and their handlers. Before the meeting, I had referred the lieutenant in charge to your website. He was most impressed and very on-board with the whole idea of canine massage. I met with the lieutenant and a sergeant. The sergeant was very skeptical and kept reiterating that these are not pets and that they can be very unpredictable. Also, he was "old school" and thought the other handlers would not be open to massage. However, he wanted to see what massage could do. A dog was brought in and I was warned that he was very unruly and the majority of officers agreed massage wouldn't work. The dog was indeed very unruly. Every time the sergeant would take a couple of steps towards the dog, it tried to go after him. "You see, this is what I'm talking about." I told him that I totally understood what he was talking about, but went about my business anyway. In less than 5 minutes, the dog was lying down on the floor completely relaxed. No one could believe it, especially his handler. The sergeant moved toward the dog to see what he would do. The dog jumped up, trying to get him. As soon as the sergeant backed away and I started working on him again, he laid right back down. Personally I wasn't at all surprised, but was amazed that the dog could still relax with spectators. Before I left, the lieutenant said that he would put words in the right ears. It might be awhile, but he would get back to me and gave me his business card. I am beyond excited and I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for the support - this is very exciting!!!
-Valerie L.
First Massage
Hi Mary, Hope all is going well with you. I came home and massaged my Bassett I got from the puppy mill that very night and she is walking great and is acting 10 times better then she was.
Thank you!
-Tina A.
Canine Home Study Program
I really appreciate your advice and time to get back to me. I have several more dogs scheduled to practice on, and then I will get my video tape prepared and request my final exam. I'm looking forward to it!!! I knew I would enjoy this, but I had no idea how much . Your well planned course and your accessibility is allowing me to learn and be productive in alternative and complementary health care for dogs... something I have always wanted to do.
Thanks again!
-Jo B.
Canine Program Success
Hi, Thank you so much!! I also want to say that your dog program is great, I have learned a lot from it and I think my dogs are 100% healthier since I started massaging them on a routine basis. I do competitive agility and I have always stretched and done a little massage but after learning what I really need to do and how to apply it other people are asking me to massage their dogs because mine are hardly ever sore. So me and my dogs thank you!
-Anna K.
The Benefits Never Cease to Amaze
Our sheltie is 7 1/2 years old. Last year she developed a limp for no known reason. 4 trips to the vet, 2 sets of x-rays, and many "home remedies" later she was still limping. No one could tell us why though, and our poor baby girl was in pain for almost a year now! Finally, after much internet research, I contacted Equissage to enroll in their canine massage therapy certification program. At the very least I figured I would be able to relieve some of her pain. I've studied quite a bit in my life, but I've never studied this hard. I wanted to get it right from the start. The first day I started doing the massage sequence on her, she loved it. She let me know when something needed treated, and she relaxed when I treated it. She got up from her massage and walked away from me without a limp! She hasn't limped since that day. Imagine our relief after a year of worry. To see her back to normal is such a beautiful thing, and to know that I was the one who helped her brings happy tears to my eyes. I hope everyone can experience this program as I have. Since learning the massage techniques from Equissage I've also treated a friends cat and dog with great success as well. Thank you!
-Karen H.
What A Blessing
Hi Mary! My heart is so full tonight. I did a massage on a little male beagle mix. He was a stray who lived at the animal shelter for several years. Somehow he evaded the executioner even though he apparently bit everyone who worked at the shelter. The sweet pup had surgery 3 weeks ago for an intestinal block and lost use of his hind legs. Reason unknown, maybe stroke or nerve damage. His hind legs were crossing and he had to hop and drag them. Tonight was his 3rd massage this week. He met me at the door. WALKING- not dragging or hopping. His owner said that he has been going out the dog door on his own and yesterday he started to bark again. He hasn't done that since before the surgery. You know, they were discussing amputating the leg that was crossing or even euthanasia. It almost doesn't seem possible that I'm being blessed this way, to feel this useful and to help these creatures! And to be touched so deeply by them. I'm typing this with tears in my eyes. What a night! I should have played the lottery! Talk with you soon.....and thanks again for sharing your gifts!
-Brenda B.
Side-effects From a Stroke
I did a massage on a sweet female, who is partly paralyzed due to a stroke that she suffered. I had to write and tell you about the difference that two massages made for her! When I arrived to give her a second massage, I noticed right away how bright and big her green eyes were and what a difference it was from the day before. I couldn't get over the difference in her entire presence. When I did the chin lift part of the massage, she stretched out with a big sigh. The right side-the side with paralysis-has improved so much. As I worked her point of hip, she stretched out her little hind leg and held it for several seconds- the side with paralysis! She still is carrying her head to the left a bit, but I'm hopeful. We have a standing appointment each week. The dog's owner, told me that on the first Sunday after the stroke and before her first massage, her little boy stood in church and asked the congregation to pray for his sweet pet. This week she told me that it has become a prayer of thanksgiving. The thanks they heap on me, I send right along to you. Take care.
-Barbara J.
What a Comeback!
A friend of mine who breeds Yorkshire Terriers approached me about a dog she had sold as a 6 month old puppy (he was very tiny), and was returned to her at a year and a half old. The owners couldn't stand the fact that he (the dog) had developed this habit of self-mutilation, also he was always greasy and stinky and was wound up like a top. My friend asked me what I could recommend, I told her to send him to me, just to call me when she had put him on the plane. Two and a half months had passed and I still hadn't heard from her, so I contacted her. She was planning to euthanize him :(. I told her I would be there to pick him up the next day. My friend had put thousands of dollars into the healing of this dog, traditional, alternative and holistic veterinary care & methods, and he had not improved. The vet had muscle testing done on the dog, and it was discovered he was allergic to bone meal and this problem was emotionally based.
I brought him home with me and I allowed him a week of getting used to his new environment. After that week I massaged him. The pain threshold of this four and a quarter pound dog is amazing. His body reflected many tears and scar tissue, (I have had a vet helping me detect these things accurately in the past) I can't begin to think what this tiny little guy has been trough. He has been with us for a month now. Since his initial massage he has chewed himself 2 to 3 times and only a tiny patch, never the same spot. He never played with toys, now he is the toy playing king! The other Yorkie people in our area who are familiar with "Joey" cannot believe the difference. He gets greasy now about 2 weeks after his bath, so he is bathed every 2 weeks, and he is no longer stinky. His coat is growing, he is happy and he is truly a changed little guy. Joey is an Equissage poster boy for sure, to us :+) He is no longer a rescue either, he is home, and will not be leaving us under any circumstances. I have many equine clients, but recently the canine contingent has increased tenfold. I had the pleasure of doing a Toy Manchester and a Cavalier for some breeder- judge friends of mine and now the word is spreading like wildfire, The recent success rate has been amazing, ligament tears, so called "pinched nerves" etc. the results have spoken for themselves, dogs that were retired from competition are now back at work. All of this and more is because of your program, Mary.
-Kristen T.